U-Select-It introduces PPE merchandiser with contactless payment
U-Select-It introduces PPE merchandiser with contactless payment
U-Select-It Inc., a vending equipment manufacturer, has introduced Sani-Center PPE Merchandiser, according to a press release. The Sani-Center PPE Merchandiser is specially designed to provide personal protective equipment, medical supplies, and disinfecting supplies safely and easily to consumers.
With social distancing being the new norm, consumers are encouraged to reduce the amount of face-to-face interaction. In addition, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, contaminated surfaces and objects including dollar bills and coins present a potential transmission risk for some infectious diseases.
The Sani-Center PPE Merchandiser allows consumers to access the essential PPE and safety products they need through a contactless payment experience and without having to wait in a checkout line or interact with a cashier.
The Sani-Center PPE Merchandiser allows consumers to pay for products with credit cards, debit cards or a mobile wallet such as Apple Pay and Google Pay that utilize near-field communication. With NFC, consumers simply tap their phone to a compatible device and the transaction is complete. The SaniCenter PPE Merchandiser is also equipped with PayRange, a mobile payment platform. Utilizing Bluetooth via a mobile phone, PayRange offers consumers yet another contactless payment option.
Available in two sizes, the Sani-Center PPE Merchandiser features up to 25 selections in a small footprint, ideal for space-restricted locations. While the larger Sani-Center Plus PPE Merchandiser features up to 36 selections, and provides maximum product versatility and capacity. Both models feature configurable flex trays, allowing products of various shapes and sizes to be purchased including small disinfectant spray bottles, travel sized hand sanitizers, medical face masks, sanitizing wipes latex gloves, kleenex, band aids and other PPE supplies.
Image courtesy of U-Select-It.
Link to the article in Vending Times: https://www.vendingtimes.com/news/u-select-it-introduces-ppe-merchandiser-with-contactless-payment/?utm_source=VTC&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=EMNA&utm_content=2020-05-04