Philadelphia Becomes First Major U.S. City To Pass Tax On Soda
From Vending Times
Issue Date: Vol. 56, No. 7, July 2016, Posted On: 6/17/2016
Philadelphia Becomes First Major U.S. City To Pass Tax On Soda
Emily Jed
PHILADELPHIA — The City of Brotherly Love on June 16 became the first major U.S. municipality to impose a tax on sugary drinks and diet sodas. The Philadelphia City Council approved the 1.5¢-per-fl.oz. tax on sugar-sweetened and diet beverages in a 13-4 vote. The tax, which the city plans to start collecting on Jan. 1, 2017, is expected to raise about $91 million annually.
A city council committee voted on June 8 to approve the tax, which is earmarked to fund expanded pre-K and community schools, as well as improvements for the city’s parks, libraries and recreation centers. Lawmakers then had to approve the tax for a second time in the June 16 in order for it to become law. | READ MORE
The National Automatic Merchandising Association, headquartered in Chicago, was part of a coalition that worked to oppose the tax.
Click here to read more about the tax at