Vending Calorie Disclosure – 8 Tips to Assist the Industry in Preparing for the December 1, 2016 Deadline
Shared by Ed Birmingham, ICBV – NAMA
Vending Calorie Disclosure – 8 Tips to Assist the Industry in Preparing for the December 1, 2016 Deadline
The deadline for calories to be disclosed for all food and beverage sold from vending machines is December 1, 2016. NAMA’s Government Affairs team has put together this list of tips to help NAMA members and their businesses prepare:
- For Operators: The compliance deadline is for food and beverage sold from vending machines on or after December 1, 2016. Therefore, we urge operators to begin the process now of securing products that have front-of-pack calorie labeling or updating electronic signage or other means of signage to disclose calories for food and beverage products sold in vending machines by December 1st.
- For Manufacturers: If food and beverage manufacturers are adding front-of-pack calorie disclosure, we urge them to begin the new labeling process as soon as possible so that operators relying on this system have the necessary time needed to sell current inventory that doesn’t include front-of-pack calorie labeling.
- Business Info on Machines: Operators need to confirm that business information is included on vending machines or on adjacent signage. This information must include: business name, telephone number, and email or mailing address. The requirement is very specific in the FDA’s final rule and the disclosure must include the above-listed information at a minimum.
- Gum, Mints and Roll Candy: NAMA is working with the food and beverage manufacturing and operator communities to create appropriate signage for gum, mints and roll candy disclosure. Stay tuned for an easy calorie disclosure solution for these products in the very near future that will ensure compliance and protect these lines of products in the channel.
- Front-of-Pack: The FDA recently issued an update to the rule which provides that front-of-pack disclosure meets the rule as long as it is visible to the prospective purchaser at the point of purchase. Therefore, there is no minimum font size at this time. However, as stated earlier, it must be visible to the consumer at the point of purchase, without obstruction.
- Coffee: Vended coffee machines are included in the rule. Operators are urged to disclose calories on the front of the machine for coffee and additives dispensed from these machines as soon as possible.
- OCS equipment: The vending calorie disclosure rule does not apply to OCS coffee equipment.
- Micro Markets: The vending calorie disclosure rule does not apply to micro markets, unless they include a vending machine within the market. In that situation disclosure requirements would apply to that vending machine.
If you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact NAMA’s Government Affairs Division:
Eric Dell –
Sandy Larson –
Sheree Edwards –