Paths to Technology Announcement
Shared by John Gordon, Bureau Chief, Bureau of Blind Services, IL
Paths to Technology Announcement
Perkins School for the Blind is proud to announce the development of Paths to Technology , a website to assist educators and families in learning and staying current on ever-changing technology for students with visual impairments and blindness.
Is your classroom “Going Google”? How can students with low vision view the whiteboard on his/her device? How do you introduce a preschool student to an iPad and a refreshable braille display? Should you update to iOS 9.2? What is the JAWS command for ____? What apps can be used for O&M purposes? How do you create accessible digital materials? Find the answers to these questions and more on Paths to Technology!
Paths to Technology is a place for TVIs and COMS to share information including teacher hints, activities, resources, favorite accessible apps, instructional videos and so much more. This new Community of Practice is a place where educators can unite to resolve accessibility issues as our classrooms are transitioning to digital learning environments. We envision a space where teachers, parents and students can come together as a strong voice to advocate for accessible educational materials to enable students to succeed not only in K-12 classrooms, but also in higher education and in the workforce.
“Paths to Technology is just what I need! Finally there is a resource that deals specifically with this unique, rapidly changing subject matter. In this day of technological advancements, it has become impossible for one person to keep up with it all, and P2T provides a network for students, parents, teachers and specialists to contribute and share information.” – Belinda Rudinger, VI Assistive Technology Consultant, Region 10 ESC.
“The wealth of information compiled on this site coupled with the student section and blogs makes Paths to Technology a must go-to resource for anyone associated with visual impairment.” – Dr. Penny Rosenblum, University of Arizona.
Paths to Technology has something for everyone – including students! Encourage your student to check out the Paths to Technology Student Page and to get involved.
“The ability to write a blog for the blind community gives me an opportunity to share my knowledge of technology as well as encourage others to explore tech in a way that they can self accommodate themselves through their high school/college careers.” – Elijah, student blogger.
“I love the student section! It’s important for kids to be their own advocates and in charge of their own accessibility. P2T is the perfect forum for kids to show off how independent they can be in the classroom, all thanks to creative tech use.” – Yue-Ting Siu, TVI, PhD.
Paths to Technology has posts specifically for Orientation and Mobility! Go to Technology Search then select O&M. http://http/ Please share YOUR O&M favorite app, hint or activity!
Come join the Paths to Technology community! Register here , then jump in on the discussions, share your ideas, ask a question, write a post and be a part of this exciting community.