Join NAMA and the Illinois Beverage Association & Tell Lawmakers That Beverage Taxes are Bad for Business!
Illinois Lawmakers Propose Soda Tax
Join NAMA and the Illinois Beverage Association & Tell Lawmakers That Beverage Taxes are Bad for Business!
Dear NAMA Member,
Last month, Sen. Mattie Hunter (D-3rd District) and Rep. Robyn Gabel (D-18th District) introduced two bills (SB 1584 and HB 2667, respectively) that would impose a penny-cent-per-ounce tax on sugar-sweetened beverages, including: sodas, sweetened teas, and sweetened juices. These bills, known as the “Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL) Act” are identical to the bills introduced last year, and are being promoted as revenue generators toward “health initiatives.”
While these bills may raise revenue for the state, the tax would negatively impact hard-working consumers by increasing the costs of beverages throughout the state and would jeopardize many good-paying jobs in the refreshment services industry. Further, this legislation would tack on another $600 million in new taxes for Illinois businesses like yours.
Please consider joining NAMA and our allied partners in the beverage industry in opposing the tax. Send a letter directly to your legislators encouraging them to oppose this targeted tax on your products by clicking HERE.
Please pass this alert on to your employees and have them do the same!
If you have questions or need additional information about this proposed tax, please contact Sheree Edwards, NAMA Legislative Director (Eastern Region) at .
Eric Dell
Vice President of Government Affairs
Here is the Bill Status of SB1584:
And the Bill Status of HB2667