Can dark chocolate improve vision?
Shared by Nicky Gacos, President NABM
Can dark chocolate improve vision? Monique Tello, MD, MPH Posted May 03, 2018
It was very fitting: I had just finished a square of 86% cacao dark chocolate when I got the email about yet another study suggesting health benefits of dark chocolate. In addition, I had just returned from vacation in Guatemala, the land of the Maya. It was the Maya who discovered the usefulness of the seeds of the cacao plant in 2,000 BC, seeds they roasted and ground into a drink fit for kings.
Health benefits of dark chocolate
Many studies have shown that chocolate has health benefits. An analysis of several studies that included data on over 500,000 participants found that those who regularly eat dark chocolate (two to three 30-gram servings per week) had a lower risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, and strokes. In another study of over 2,000 participants, the more chocolate they reported eating (up to twice per week), the less coronary artery plaque they had. And the studies go on and on… We have a pretty good idea that chocolate is good for your cardiovascular health.
This most recent study looked at the effect of milk vs. dark chocolate on three types of visual perception: visual acuity, large and small letter contrast sensitivity. The researchers found that there were improvements in all measures two hours after ingestion of a 47-gram dark chocolate bar (72% cacao).
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