2/18/14 New York City Hall Vending Machines Receive Candy, Chip Maker
Shared by Michael Talley, Alabama Vice Chairman
New York City Hall Vending Machines Receive Candy, Chip Maker
City Hall has finally gotten a visit from the candy man.
A vending machine in the building’s basement has suddenly started featuring such high-calorie goodies as M&Ms, Snickers, Kit Kats and both Cool Ranch and Nacho Cheese-flavored Doritos, both regular and Cool Ranch.
Under former Mayor Michael Bloomberg, such fatty fare was strictly off limits.
Instead, workers and City Hall visitors were forced to nosh on healthier snacks, such as granola bars and sugarless fruit roll-ups.
Those low-fat foods were more in line with the nanny-state policies of the health-conscious Bloom¬berg administration.
No one at City Hall could explain the big switch, which came as a surprise, since one of the few things on which Mayor de Blasio has seen eye-to-eye with Bloomberg is health measures.
Workers were happy to once again be able to get their sugar rush.
“The nanny has left the building, so now if I want Twix bars or Doritos for lunch, I can finally have them without having to leave the building,” said one gleeful City Hall staffer who requested anonymity.
A City Council spokeswoman referred questions to the Department for Administrative Services, which referred a caller to the mayor’s office, which did not return a message.
The change in snack policy is sweet victory for City Hall workers and a defeat for civic waistlines.
“This is huge,” chuckled one former staffer.